Wednesday, December 16, 2020

corona time


A quick update from last week!
-still in quarantine
-got corona (probably) we haven't been actually tested or anything, but we got some pretty sick Corona symptoms and found out lots of people we had recently spent alot of time with has tested positive
-snowed alot!
-being inside all day we had a lot of time to find and start teaching new people.
-gabi's baptism is on saturday! Yay!!! She was even telling us the other day that she maybe wants to be a missionary like us! Wouldn't that be sick.
-will have 6 months in the mish on wednesday,  wow! How has it already gone by so fast?!
-love being a missionary 💛 wouldn't want to be doing anything else at this time in my life. Seriously it brings me so much joy:)

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see you soon!

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