Tuesday, October 26, 2021

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck?

many miracles and good things these past 2 weeks:)))

-baptism in brasov!!! A cute little girl in sora taylor's old area got baptized and we were able to go!
-I am in a trio now! The trio life has been quite an adjustment, but I am learning a lot and we are getting along.
-the miracle of the lost laptop! We lost our laptop on the train and it was MIRACOUSLY WAITING FOR US at the train station an hour after we left it. 
-baptism in pitesti! There was a baptism in my old area pitesti, and it was the cutest!  Alexandra had the sweetest testimony and the spirt was so strong there! 
-delegation! As the media leaders, we have LOTS to do and with our new trio situation we absorbed a whole new area, and now we are even more busy. Which is amazing, but we are struggling to stay on top of it all, so we came up with a nice delegation plan of media to help ourselves out a bit and give other missionaries some responsibilities! 
-wood chopping! I'd call my self a lumberjack now. We had a district activity where we were able to help a member out by chopping A LOT of wood at his house to help him prepare for winter.
-our new friend Andreea! We actually just had a lesson with her today, and she is GOLDEN and the sweetest! She is a mom with three kids and we are so excited to keep teaching her!
-it is sunny and the weather has been quite perfect this past week! 

I have been thinking a lot lately about this quote from Brad Wilcox's talk from this most recent conference, "God loves us as we are, but He also loves us too much to leave us this way."

Life is about change. This gospel is about change. Repentance is about change. I am so grateful for the changes I have experienced in my time so far as a missionary. I am grateful for the love God has for me, that he helps me through experiences and challenges to change and become more like Him. I am excited keep growing and progressing and changing for the rest of my life. 

What is one thing you can change this week?

Sora Tobler:)

Friday, October 22, 2021

krazy week

Quite a crazy week if I do say so myself! Sora Taylor and I were all over the place! 

-wednesday we were in bucuresti for a "return and report" training and presented on love and the love of christ to all our missionaries! It was SO GOOD, and probably one of our best presentations yet. I'm so thankful that the spirit was there and able to speak through us
-Thursday we were quite frazzled and had to present at mission leadership conference as well, this presentation was not as good, and was super humbling for us! We got a lot of hard questions asked to us, and the discussion we led was slightly de-railed, but ya know, you win some you lose some, and it was quite a learning experience for us!
-friday we took a little day trip to sora taylor's old area so she could get her second dose of the vaccine! 2.5 hours one way on the train with a little 1 hour break, and then 2.5 hours back! At least the view from the train was quite gorgeous with lots of fall leaves
-conference with our branch! We had the cutest little get-together/activity with our branch before we all watched conference together Saturday night. Because of the time difference we watched the saturday morning session translated live in Romanian with our members at 7:00 Saturday night! We put together a little jeopardy game to play with everyone beforehand and ordered some KFC. KFC is a big deal here and it was quite the hit
-Our golden friend Naomi watched conference on Sunday with her family ðŸ˜²ðŸ˜²ðŸ˜²ðŸ˜² mega miracle for us that they even watched it, and even better, they said they LOVED IT. please pray for Naomi and her family and that she and her family will continue to open their hearts to the restored gospel!! We need your prayers!!

While I loved all of conference and the things that were said, I have been trying to focus a lot more on how I feel while watching conference/listening to the prophets and apostles of the Lord speak. As I listen not only with my ears, but with my heart, I'm able receive revelation and inspiration for myself and the holy ghost is able to speak to me. 

I challenge you to listen again to general conference, focusing not necessarily on what you hear but what you feel. I can promise that the holy ghost will speak to you:))

I want to hear what you got out of conference:) 

email me about your favorite talk or something something you learned! 

Sora Tobler 

1% Better

Because I don't have a lot of time today, here are some of the times I saw God's hand this week!

1. Beautiful nature. We did our lazy p-day hike before it started to get pretty snowy up in the mountains, and I am so grateful for nature and God's creations. 
2. Young Women Painting Activity success! With a small branch, when we put on an activity we are lucky if anyone shows up. This week though, we had 3 members and a friend show up to our painting activity. We painted some BOMs and had a great little discussion with our friend about it.
3. Cute Cafe lady. While walking home late one day, we saw a cute little Cafe right near our house that had just opened up and was having a little opening day celebration. We decided to stop by and made quick friends with the lady running the shop! We can't wait to go back 
4. Google Drive miracle find. While searching for something random in our Google drive we came across a GOLDEN video that we are going to be posting soon :)
5. Best burgers. We had some really good burgers this week. Enough said.
6. Being in media, we are behind the scenes and don't get to see a lot of immediate success. But I love hearing when other missionaries tell us the most amazing miracles and stories they have from people we sent them as referrals. One companion of elders has set up almost 5 lessons everyday with referrals that have came from our media platforms and ads.

One of my favorite talks from conference was "one percent better" by elder Michael A. Dunn. 
He talks about even the smallest of changes and efforts can make a drastic difference on our lives. As we change even by 1 percent at a time, we can gradually improve and become better. It is hard sometimes to be overwhelmed with lots of things we can change/do better, but we can focus on one thing and become better by one percent better everyday, becoming more like our Savior.  

Choose something this week to be 1% better at.

Sora Tobler

see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...