Monday, November 16, 2020


Was a fast, long, hard, fun, normal, exciting week.

I had 3 exchanges this week which was kind of alot, but I love Sister Wilcock and it was fun to spend time with her this week!! 

We had our last meeting at church yesterday since church is closing down indefinitely again, but it was a fun excuse to get pictures with all our members and friends while we were there. We also wore some traditional Romanian dresses and all of our older members were so excited and very happy that we looked like Romanian girls and it was so sweet and fun haha.

We have zone conference this week which should be fun, and I am looking forward to that! 

A short scripture that I like lots for your week:

22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in Him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people. (Mosiah 23.22)

Such a simple comforting verse that brings me lots of peace. 

Trust in God. He will catch you.

Have a great week:)
Sora Tobler  

Monday, November 9, 2020

FBI and a husky


I'm chillin in Bucuresti for a couple more weeks. yay. We had mini-transfers this week, because we got new missionaries, but I am staying put in bucuresti until at least the beginning of December. Can we talk about how crazy it is that it is already almost December?!

We had a member dinner this week! My first member dinner in Romania. It was actually with an American family that is in our ward here in Romania. The dad works for the FBI in Romania and they just moved here a couple months ago and will be here for the next 5 years I think. They are seriously the coolest and it was so fun to go to their house this week and eat some good home cooked american food haha. It is kinda fun having them in our ward too, because we get to do romanian-to-english translations for them every Sunday in church. Translating is still really hard for me, but I think I'm gonna give it a shot in Sacrament meeting next week.

Had a fun lesson with our friend Marilena and her Husky. I started talking to Marilena on facebook like 3 weeks ago and have met with her 2 times. Yesterday we met with her at a park and had a restoration lesson with her. Although the park was super noisy and kinda distracting and her dog was being crazy as we were walking around, the spirit still was so strong and we were able to ask her to be baptized:)

I recorded a song! An elder in my zone has a bunch of recording equipment and we recorded something for a Christmas project we have coming up.

So grateful and happy to be here and share with people something that has blessed my life so so much.
Luv ya :)

Sora Tobler 

1 one of our favorite food places in the metro. Looks sketch, but it's good I promise
2 the Larson family!!
3 the larson family gave me some canned pumpkin (non existent here in romania) that they brought all the way from America, so I could make some pumpkin cookies.
I was very happy
4-5 fall🍁🍂

Friday, November 6, 2020

witchcraft and graveyards

 It was a spooky week.

We went to the immigration office this week to finally get my Visa work done. We were late to our appointment at 10.30 in the morning, and were told that we would have to wait in a mega-long line that was outside the building to try to get in before they closed. Let me tell you it was a MIRACLE that we got in. We were the last people that they let in before they closed for the day. Thank goodness I'm not getting deported!

We met with a witch lady and let me tell you it was pretty freaky. A friend that we used to teach reached out to us last week and said that she had a "friend" that was interested to learn more about the book of mormon soo we set up a meeting with her. We met outside her apartment and I was like way freaked out. She kept trying to get us to go into her apartment basement and started saying really creepy stuff to us. Let's just say we didn't get to teach her about the book of mormon, and we got out of there real quick.

On another spooky note, we went to a graveyard and cleaned the graves of one of our members' ancestors. It was actually pretty fun and it was a good time to serve one of our members.

We teach an advanced english class every week which is pretty fun. Since the people we teach are already like fluent in english we usually just do some fun games and then share a spiritual thought at the end (I like it because it's an excuse for me to talk in English for 1 and a half hours) anyways, this past week we played 2 truths and a lie, and it kinda totally back fired when everyone started talking about how being a good liar was a good quality and how lying is actually good in some cases and we were like ummm no. Our spiritual thought ended up being about how we shouldn't lie. 

Here is one of my favorite quotes from president Hinkley that I read this week:
"Don't be gloomy. Don't dwell on unkind things. Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy fully the sunlight. Even if you are not happy, put a smile on your face and accentuate the positive. Look a little deeper for the good. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life." 
I have really started to look for the good in everything and am actually really starting to enjoy my time as a missionary. Look for the good in wherever and whatever you are doing in life right now! ☀

Love you all so much! 
Sora Tobler 

see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...