Thursday, February 25, 2021

an egg vending machine


There is a egg vending machine near one of our friends apartments. Last time we went and visited her a couple of weeks ago, and passed by this egg vending machine and thought it was way cool. Sadly tho we did not have enough money on us to buy some eggs. Ever since then we have been thinking of how an egg vending machine works?! I mean once you buy the eggs they will fall down in the machine and they will just break! We went to visit her this week and were sure that we brought enough money to try it out. I dont know how to explain, but the eggs did not break and we ended up making some nice breakfast burritos for dinner. 

Sorry for that long story, there is just not much else to fill you in on this week. Just another week in the life! 

Transfers are next week and sora anderson are pretty sure we are going to get split, because sora anderson has been here is sibiu for almost 6 months. 
But we are so sad about, because we have the best of times and I seriously love her so much! But I'll keep you posted...

I was reading in come follow me this week in D&C 15:6 where it says:

6 And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen.

I know that the most important thing that I could be doing with my life right now is being a missionary! There is nothing of greater worth for me right now than to be sharing the gospel:)) I love being a missionary

Sora Tobler 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

happy valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day week, or as we like to say over here in Romania, ziua Indragostitilor fericita:)

Lots of small miracles this week!

Our friend Virocia's phone broke at the start of this week, and we seriously had not been able to get ahold of her the whole week, which was kind of a problem. With a broken phone, and not having spoken to her the whole week, she miraculously appeared on zoom at church!

While we didn't have very many established lessons this week, we have been having lots of really good conversations on facebook and instagram.

I posted about the Book of Mormon on my story about 2 weeks ago, and we were able to find 2 new people in sibiu who were curious and wanted to learn more!

Met our cute friend Ava on Instagram and then visited her at work later this week. She works at a cute cafe library place and she gave us some hot chocolate for free when we visited her. She's the cutest, and I have lots of hope for her:)

We had media training from someone from the europe area presidency, and he showed us some cool stats and numbers, and all I can say that Media Missionary Work WORKS. The pandemic is not slowing down the Lord's work here, in fac,t I would say it's actually speeding up!!

A quick little classic valentine's scripture for your monday:

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

I love LOVE. Its kinda the best! And I think the world could use a little bit more love! I have truly grown to love the people here in Romania, and try every day to love like our savior Jesus Christ loved (which ngl is sometimes easier said then done).

Let's have more love, more kindness, more unity!

Go tell someone you love them right now!

Love you all
Sora Tobler 

member madness

Where did the week go?!?!! This week went by way fast and I honestly don't even know why! 

We had zone conference this week which was a real highlight and as always, amazing. We recently kinda switched up the way we do zone conferences, but zone conferences are online with the whole mission now. It's really fun because we usually don't get to interact with the missionaries on the Hungary side of the mission very often, but it is nice that we do our zone conferences once a transfer all together as a mission.

I probably sound like a broken record, but this week again we really focused on member work and working with our members because it is so so important! Especially since the ward is running on only a couple active members! 

Maria and Cosmin are the future of the branch here and we have been trying really hard to keep them active and coming to church, especially since they are the only members in their fam. We made pizza and crepes at the church with Maria earlier this week and meet at a park and play basketball with Cosmin at 7:00 in the morning for our sport hour. Considering basketball is really not one of our strong suits, it's a pretty fun time lol.

Had a nice chat with our branch president's wife in which we were able to start to mend the kind of broken member/missionary relationship in this branch and I am so happy about it, because it has honestly been something stressing me out since I arrived here in Sibiu! Member work is so important! 

For a couple reasons we changed Viorica and her son's baptismal date for the end of February, but other than that they are still doing good🙏

For those of you who have been keeping up with Kardashians, we finally figured out the situation with the mission impossible guy from a couple weeks ago. Apparently he knew on of the other missionaries previously, so when he was leaving the country urgently a couple weeks ago and saw us with our name tags walking down the street, he thought he'd stop and ask him to help his old man neighbor out. We went 2 weeks ago, with some bread, but he didn't answer, so we tried again this week and came back with more bread. This time he answered but then proceeded to tell us he didn't have any teeth and couldn't eat the bread we brought him. We came back with some yogurt and hope it tides him over.

Ok sorry this was so long, but this week was just so good. Obviously filled with some lows, but some very good highs. 
God loves us.

He's there for us. 

Have a great week:)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

peace in a perfect plan

Some of this weeks highlights:

-last p day we tried to leave the town and make our way over to this cool ski resort place. I have yet to master the art of public transportation and after about an hour of riding around in a circle on the bus, we gave up and just stayed in sibiu

-visited viorica again and she and her son are literally psyched to be baptized. It's kind of hard for them to get to church because they don't have a car and they live about 40 mins outside the town and the only bus to sibiu from where they live leaves at 5:00 in the morning, but I know the lord will provide a way. She made us some ciorba (a Romanian soup) which is a well-known infamous romanian dish here disliked by missionaries, but i managed to get down all of it! Oh and also her sister came in the middle of the lesson having contractions and about to give birth!! 

It was quite an eventful time and we gave our taxi driver a Book of Mormon on the way home.

Just want to bear my quick testimony of the plan of salvation! I am so so grateful for the knowledge that I have that there is more beyond this life and that we can see our loved ones again. God has a plan for all of us and it is a perfect plan centered around Jesus Christ:)

Love you all 💛
Sora Tobler:)

see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...