Thursday, February 25, 2021

an egg vending machine


There is a egg vending machine near one of our friends apartments. Last time we went and visited her a couple of weeks ago, and passed by this egg vending machine and thought it was way cool. Sadly tho we did not have enough money on us to buy some eggs. Ever since then we have been thinking of how an egg vending machine works?! I mean once you buy the eggs they will fall down in the machine and they will just break! We went to visit her this week and were sure that we brought enough money to try it out. I dont know how to explain, but the eggs did not break and we ended up making some nice breakfast burritos for dinner. 

Sorry for that long story, there is just not much else to fill you in on this week. Just another week in the life! 

Transfers are next week and sora anderson are pretty sure we are going to get split, because sora anderson has been here is sibiu for almost 6 months. 
But we are so sad about, because we have the best of times and I seriously love her so much! But I'll keep you posted...

I was reading in come follow me this week in D&C 15:6 where it says:

6 And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen.

I know that the most important thing that I could be doing with my life right now is being a missionary! There is nothing of greater worth for me right now than to be sharing the gospel:)) I love being a missionary

Sora Tobler 

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