Saturday, June 27, 2020

week 2:))) - Home MTC

 Buna ziua!! 

Hope everyone had a good week:)

Not going to lie, this last week was kind of rough for me. At the start of the week, more often than not, I found myself asking why in the world I had chosen to do this, and how it would have been so much easier for me to have not decided to serve a mission. Although it's only the second week, I was getting pretty discouraged with myself and was getting pretty stressed about everything. I was studying in Mosiah 7:33 and came across this verse that says, "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage." I know that serving a mission won't be easy, but I know that as I serve, trust in God, and turn to Him, I'll be able to get through the hardest days.

Anyways.... the rest of the week was good!! We had our first 2 TRCs this week, which was pretty exciting. Our first one went pretty well and our second one was alright. Although our second TRC didn't go nearly as well as we wanted it to, it was a great learning experience for my companions and I. 

My district all got together twice this week outside of class to play Romanian Jeopardy over zoom which was really fun. It has been fun to get to know everyone better and see everyone open up to each other a bit more haha. One day during class, we were guessing how tall we thought everyone was in real life and it was pretty interesting and comical to see what everyone thought. Apparently I give off strong 5'5"-5'6" vibes, which I mean is only slightly taller than I actually am, but I was pretty happy about that.  

I had two workshops this week that were pretty interesting. During my second workshop, I saw a very familiar face which was pretty fun and made me happy:)

I'm still waiting to get my reassignment, if I even get a reassignment, and am trying my very hardest to have patience and not focus too much on that. It's pretty crazy that I'm already 1/3 of the way through home MTC though.

I would love to hear from everyone! Feel free to email me whenever!

Ciao Ciao!
Sora Tobler

Weekly comp pic

Quick study break with my brother Jackson


My sister Ellison found this fake missionary tag that her primary teacher gave her forever ago haha

Saturday, June 20, 2020

week 1!!! kinda - Home MTC

 Buna Ziua!!

Today is my first p day and I guess my first week of classes are over (even though I only started on Wednesday lol)

I have 6 hours of class a day, but they honestly aren't that bad and don't seem that long. There are 4 Vârstniculs (elders) and 3 Soras (sisters) in my class. 2 of the Vârstniculs in my class are going to the Kiev, Ukraine mission and the rest of us are going to România. 

I already love my companions so much!! Sora McAfee and Sora Gunn are seriously the coolest and I couldn't have gotten more lucky. Sora McAfee is from South Jordan, Utah and Sora Gunn is from Santa Clara, Utah.

On Friday afternoon, while Sora McAfee, Sora Gunn, and I were trying to have companion study, my wifi was being super wack and kept cutting in and out for about a half hour. We had kinda given up on it working, but then said a prayer, and zoom worked for the rest of our meeting!! Just a quick lil testament of the power of prayer for ya haha

I have already learned so much Lingua Romană in the past few days and am super excited to keep learning more:))

Home mtc is actually kinda great and I really appreciate being able to sleep in my own, very comfortable bed, and being able to eat Taco Bell

Hope everyone is doing well and has a good week:)
La revedere!!
Sora Tobler

see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...