Monday, August 31, 2020

BUNAAA - Budapest, Hungary


Hope everyone is doing well!

I finally made it to Hungary, after 2 days of traveling earlier this week. I am now quarantining in an apartment in Budapest for about 2 weeks and then probably staying in Hungary for a while, since Romanias borders are still closed

Some other things
1 milka chocolate bars slap
2 traveling internationally during corona time is NOT the move
3 my new comp is sora mcafee from my mtc district <33
4 i don't like apartments with no AC
5 president and sister rucker are seriously the coolest
6 be very careful when lighting gas ovens with a match!!!
7 felt the spirit SOO strong in one of our lessons this week:)

Plz email me! i would love to hear from you all

Ciao ciao
Sora Tobler 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

First Group of Romania Missionaries - Budapest, Hungary

Dear Parents of our newly arrived Missionaries serving in the Hungary / Romania Mission:

President and Sister Rucker asked that I write to let you know that your missionary arrived safely in Budapest!  What a wonderful group of young people and such an addition to our missionaries serving here!  We are so excited that everything worked out allowing them to join us in the mission!  The missionaries are being quarantined in two separate apartments in Pest for the next two weeks.  We stocked the cupboards with food, menus and recipes.  President and Sister Rucker have warmly greeted them at the airport and have spent time with them in Zoom Calls during the past few days.  All missionaries are in great spirits!!  The Assistants have organized a very proactive training experiences on Zoom for the next two weeks.  They will be busy during their quarantine experience!   They are located about 10 minutes from the Mission Home and will have contact through technology for a good portion of their day!  We are so grateful for each of them coming to the Hungary Romania Mission and we look forward to getting to know them!  Thank you for your help in preparing them to come.

Some Important Information: 

If you have a preferred email address for correspondences from the Mission Office please let me know. 

All letters and packages are sent to the Mission Home/Office and then are dispersed to missionaries according to the circumstances.  When you send letters and packages please address them as below:

Name of Your Missionary

Elder Reed Mortensen

Hajnóczy József u. 14

1122 Budapest


NOTE:  Keep the listed cost of items in a package under $100.00 USD value.  If it is over this amount the package generally goes through customs which adds expensive costs to your missionary.  At present we are not able to transport any packages to Romania.  All packages arriving in the mission office for missionaries serving in Romania to missionaries there will be kept, possibly for many months, until they can be delivered.  For that reason please do not send any perishable items.   Also, for help in transporting packages , whenever possible, please use mailing envelopes instead of boxes.  (We list Elder Mortensen's name on packages and letters so that we can legally receive them in the Mission Office.)

Please enjoy the attached photos of your missionary!!  If there is anything that I can do for you from here please let me know. 

Most sincerely,

Sister Diana Mortensen

Hungary/România Mission Office

Mission Secretary

Monday, August 24, 2020

psych. still in georgia - Peachtree City, Georgia

 So, I initially thought I would be leaving to Romania last Friday, but I am actually leaving today! me and 2 other elders from my MTC district, who were also reassigned to Atlanta, are flying to New Jersey, then Germany, then Hungary this afternoon! I am very excited to go, but I also think I forgot approximately 99% of the Romanian I learned in the MTC, so that's great...

This week was really good! On Monday, we took a p day trip to down town Atlanta, so I would have a chance to go there before I left.

Also did you know there is a special chick-fil-a here?!! They have a bunch of specialty items and I was very excited when we went there the other day. 

This week was kinda rough teaching wise... I think most of our teaching appointments canceled on us or just straight up ghosted us lol. But you know, looking on the bright side, maybe they were all just super busy this week, and my companion will be able to get a hold of them this week haha

We worked at the food bank again this week, and met this really cool girl named Jasmine. She is an aspiring fashion designer, who after talking to some other sisters and I, stated, she too would like to go on a "mission trip" to Europe and asked us where she could sign up lol. Some other sisters are going to start talking to her, and you know what maybe she will end up going on a mission one day!

Talk to you next week from Romania! Hope you all have a great week:)
Ciao ciao
Sora Tobler 

some specialty chick-fil-a that was bomb 

got some ice cream

it was very good

sis spillman and i

this lady from our ward brought us like 6 gallons of milk the other day

some semi matching shirts 



Monday, August 17, 2020

lil change of plans - Peachtree City, Georgia

 This week was pretty great:)

Wednesday: We brought Sister Matheson flowers and chatted with her on her porch for a long time. She is really old, so we had to stay outside and wear masks, but she is so sweet and nice. Ate dinner at the Thomas's house. They are a cute little newly wed couple from ARIZONA! They just moved to Georgia, and it was way fun to talk to them about AZ.

Friday: Taught Amber about the Book of Mormon and she is excited to read it and pray!!:)

Saturday: We had a free car wash at the church with some of the other missionaries in the zone. We met a guy named Sergio from Ukraine that stopped to get his car wash, and we are going to start teaching him! We also walked Sister Kings dog around her neighborhood for her today haha

Sunday: watched stake conference at the Oakes's house, As in Dallin H. Oakes nephew. Yep. That was pretty fun. 

Oh also.... forgot to mention... It's time for me to say goodbye to Georgia, because I am heading to Romania on Friday. Welp. I found out yesterday that I will be leaving PTC after only being here for 3 weeks haha. I am so excited to go to Romania, but not going to lie I am kind of sad to be leaving this mission so soon, because I really really like it here (plus I feel like I just started getting the hang of things haha). 

I'm going to miss how green it is here, all the members and people I met, and quite frankly, I already know I'm going to miss living in the United States lol :')


 look how green?!!!

thought my sign for the carwash was pretty great

apartment 1123 

fayetteville zone! best zone!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sr. Tobler Travel to Hungary

Dear Pres. Everton and Pres. Needs,

We are pleased to inform you that the above-named missionary has been approved by the Missionary Department to travel to their permanent assignment in the Hungary/Romania Mission.  We would like to plan on them traveling to arrive there this coming week.   We understand that this is somewhat disruptive and appreciate your efforts to assist these wonderful missionaries to get to their permanent assigned missions. 

We are asking the Mission President to notify the missionary and confirm back to me as soon as possible that the missionary will be ready to travel and have their passport them. 

We would ask the Stake President to contact the family, so they are all aware of this change of assignment. 

You will receive the final itinerary once scheduled.  If there are any concerns or questions, please let me know. 

Again, a special thanks to you wonderful mission presidents who have worked to help these great missionaries in these temporary assignments.  These are unprecedented times and you have blessed many lives in the process.  Please identify the best airport for them to depart from for me if you would.

I would appreciate a prompt reply to confirm the missionary will be able to travel.  If you have questions or concerns, please let me know and I will do my best to help. 

Kind regards,

Elder Bruce H. Allcott

Europe Area IFR

+49 176 1449 2238

Monday, August 10, 2020

the ptc bubble - Peachtree City, Georgia

Peachtree City, aka PTC, is by far one of the prettiest placest I've ever been. Its called the bubble because PTC is like this "perfect" little suburb of Atlanta.

This week was kinda crazy busy. One day we did service at a food bank from 8-1. It was hard but way fun. We also helped this lady move which was kinda mostly fun.... she pretty much didn't give us any direction, but then would get mad at us when ever we tried to do something. Idk it was a long 2 days of helping her and i definitely had to pray for some Christ-like charity and patience haha. 

We have been teaching this one girl Sonnie for the past week. She is super awesome and we always have really great Bible discussions. We taught her about the Book of Mormon at the end of one of our lessons and told her to pray about the BOM and told her that she would get an answer that it was true. The next time we taught her she said she prayed and that God told her that the BOM was not true. RIP. My comp and I kinda didn't really know what to say and awkwardly finished our lesson haha at the end of which, Sonnie said she did not want to meet with us anymore.

Amber, one of the girls we are teaching told me she'd paint me a picture of a cactus in the desert and send it to me in the mail. Looking forward to that since i miss az.

I baked cookies and got some flowers for our sweet old man neighbor Todd!!! He is seriously my favorite person and always talks to my companion and for a long time when he sees us.

I finally convinced my companion to go running with me in the morning which was a big accomplishment!

Overall it was a good week:)) hope everyone is doing well! 
I'd love to hear from y'all so email me or send something here:)

Sister Tobler 

car pic

pretty sky

me and the lake

my english tag finally came in the mail!!

sis spillman and i on a zoom call


Monday, August 3, 2020

Georgia Y'all - Peachtree City, Georgia

 Hey y'all Georgia's been a trip. 

I got here on Tuesday and it kinda already feels like I've been here forever haha

My first area is Peachtree City which is a pretty nice suburb south of Atlanta. It's basically a bunch of southern lookin homes in the middle of tons and tons of trees. It is seriously so green and I actually really like it here. 

Here are some points to describe my week: 

1 fireflies are really pretty and everywhere here
2 Samsung phones are kind of the worst
3 facebook bible studies with random people are pretty fun
4 my companion sister spillman is very nice and a great trainer
5 y'all, everyone says y'all here 
6 the shower in our apartment doesn't work
7 I totally started crying at a member dinner the other night... it was very embarrassing 
8 georgia peaches are as good as people say they are  
9 I'm not very good at chair soccer
10 I love being a missionary and am so excited to finally be in the field :))

Hope everyone has a great week:)
Also plz email me I'd love to here for you all

Also you can send letters here

Sister Tobler

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see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...