Sunday, February 14, 2021

happy valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day week, or as we like to say over here in Romania, ziua Indragostitilor fericita:)

Lots of small miracles this week!

Our friend Virocia's phone broke at the start of this week, and we seriously had not been able to get ahold of her the whole week, which was kind of a problem. With a broken phone, and not having spoken to her the whole week, she miraculously appeared on zoom at church!

While we didn't have very many established lessons this week, we have been having lots of really good conversations on facebook and instagram.

I posted about the Book of Mormon on my story about 2 weeks ago, and we were able to find 2 new people in sibiu who were curious and wanted to learn more!

Met our cute friend Ava on Instagram and then visited her at work later this week. She works at a cute cafe library place and she gave us some hot chocolate for free when we visited her. She's the cutest, and I have lots of hope for her:)

We had media training from someone from the europe area presidency, and he showed us some cool stats and numbers, and all I can say that Media Missionary Work WORKS. The pandemic is not slowing down the Lord's work here, in fac,t I would say it's actually speeding up!!

A quick little classic valentine's scripture for your monday:

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

I love LOVE. Its kinda the best! And I think the world could use a little bit more love! I have truly grown to love the people here in Romania, and try every day to love like our savior Jesus Christ loved (which ngl is sometimes easier said then done).

Let's have more love, more kindness, more unity!

Go tell someone you love them right now!

Love you all
Sora Tobler 

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