Monday, December 7, 2020

new comp + quarantine

 Yay for a suuper long but good week:)

Tuesday was Romanian Independence Day! While most celebrations were cancelled with covid it was still a good time.

Wednesday the whole mission got together in Bucuresti to meet with president and his wife! There were 11 missionaries leaving this week so President and his wife came to Romania to say goodbye to all of them. 

Thursday, said goodbye to Sora Bauco and I am now with Sora Gunn! She was already living in another part of bucuresti so all day we basically just moved all her stuff over from her old apartment to the one I was living in. Let me tell you trying to move things around in a big city without a car is kinda a struggle, but we managed.

Yesterday we found out that we have to be in quarantine again until the 16th! One of the missionaries tested positive right after we had all been together with president and his wife, so all the missionaries in romania are now in quarantine! Luckily we were able to run to the store one last time and buy supplies for the next almost 2 weeks. We are all stocked up now which is good haha

Our girl Gabi is still doing amazing and on track to be baptized the 19th! We meet with her about every night and I seriously love her so so much, she's awesome. 

This week has taken alot of faith!!! Lots of faith that things will work out. Faith that what I am doing is actually making a difference. Faith in Christ. We just have to keep moving forward with faith even when we might not understand things<3

Sora Tobler 

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see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...