Friday, December 25, 2020

craciun fericit

Where to start lol I think last time I wrote I was still in quarantine recovering from what was maybe covid 😷

Well... to update yalll we are out of quarantine and have been back to work as normal.

We had a baptism on saturday!!!! The whole week we had been preparing for the baptism, printing programs, cleaning the church, etc, but saturday it finally happened! Gabi was baptized! Let me tell you it was a miracle that she was baptized! Yay yay! It was such a good day. She was so so happy and you could just see the light in her face. I also gave a talk on the Holy Ghost at the baptism in Romanian. It was my first full talk in Romanian and not going to lie, it was pretty terrifying, but it ended up being ok:)

On monday we had dinner at the Larson's house (the cool FBI american family). They are seriously the coolest and made us and the elders mexican food, and gave us some cute christmas gifts. They also sang me happy birthday and it was an all-around good time.

Tuesday we went with our branch president to the store and bought a bunch of food to make Christmas gift care packages for the members. We then spent the whole morning driving around the city dropping them off and meeting with the members:) lots of the apartments we went to were of members that I haven't even met yet since lots of them haven't been able to make it to church for awhile with the pandemic. We have the best ward, I'm convinced. Oh and I also turned 20.

Yesterday we went to a member's house in the afternoon. She is from Puerto Rico, but is married to a Romanian who is not a member. They were seriously the sweetest and she baked us flan and offered to give us tamales when she makes them again. I love tamales so I was pretty psyched. We also stopped by Marilena and Vlad's house last night to give them a little christmas gift. They started caroling to us and it was so so sweet. They are seriously my fav. To end the night, sora gunn and I went to the one taco bell they have here in the mall food court and had a yummy christmas eve dinner of some tacos.

Today we went to watch one of our friends Dany perform at a concert at an orthodox church. It was really cool to see how people here traditionally celebrate Christmas.

I hope everyone has an amazing day filled with family, love, and CHRIST. He is the greatest gift any of us have ever been given. One of my fav scriptures is 
 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
We can always find peace in Christ.

Sora Tobler

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see you soon!

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