Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Sibiu, schimb, SAINTS

happy new year! 

to start the year off on an exciting note-- I am leaving buchurest! I found out on friday night that I won't be in buchurest any more... kinda sad because I was really enjoying the city life there. I am getting transferred to sibiu! Sibiu is a really small town in central western buchurest in transylvania:))) i have heard it is one of the prettiest places in all of romania and am so excited serve there. I'm also gonna be the STL and am excited.

My new comp is sora anderson, and she is seriously so sweet! She just finished her training in sibiu and I'm so psyched to be comps with her. 

Earlier this week, sora Gunn and I really learned a lesson about not procrastinating.... the office elders in Hungary have been wanting for us to send them a scan of our new friend Gabi's baptism certificate for awhile now. We finally got around to it on the 31st, New Year's Eve, the last possible day that we could get it to them. While scanning it, we realized we actually didn't have gabi's signature on the paper. We called them and they said they absolutely needed her signature... soooo we basically dropped all our plans for the rest of the day and headed over to the bus station to where Gabi lives. Good thing she lives about 2 hrs by bus outside of buchurest hahaha. after spending the whole afternoon with Gabi in her town, missing the bus back to bucuruest, waiting for a couple hours, and finally catching another bus back, we accomplished the mission lol. 
Let me just say God really helped us out to get that signature haha

I am almost done with the first volume of the book Saints, and all I can say is it is SO GOOD. I'm so so thankful for everything that the early members of the church went through so that I can continue to share this truth with others. Thankful for Jospeh Smith and the restoration! Go give Saints a read if you haven't yet!

I am so so grateful for the new year and christmas that I have been able to spend in romania <3

Ciao ciao 

Sora Tobler  

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see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...