Tuesday, October 27, 2020

sign seeking, some ducks, sports night

 Hello🌼🌸☀️ hope everyone isn't missing me that much yet.

This week was sickkkk (both figuratively and literally). Some missionaries are gettin Corona-like symptoms and everyone is getting pretty on edge again, but you know, I feel fine! 

We have a pretty good teaching pool built up now, so we haven't really had to do much finding this week. 

Diana- she was still thinking about her baptismal date earlier this week, but then she went to the young adults activity we had on saturday night and she was actually able to meet members her age and I think it really helped.

Nicolae- I think he knows the doctrine of the church better than me, which is kinda embarrassing, and comes to church every week, butttt he is not baptized yet.... and he is waiting for a massive sign from God to be baptized. I sent him a verse from the Book of Mormon about how sign seeking is bad yesterday, and I think we are gonna meet with him tomorrow to talk about that, so hopefully he understands a bit better and has a change of heart haha

3 people who we had stopped teaching like 2 weeks ago randomly showed up to church yesterday which was kind of a fun surprise! Maybe we'll get to start teaching them again.

We had a relief society activity this Saturday with some of the ladies in our ward and it was fun and kind of funny haha. The whole activity was them just talking about how they are going to prepare for winter and everyone brought this weird kinda not-super-great romanian food that they made (see attached picture) and we got to taste test everyone's ! Yay! Lucky me! 

Sports night which we have every week was a hit yet again. Lots of people showed up which was good. Gina talked to me about her 10 bunnies, 4 ducks, and 7 cats for about an hour of sports night. It was really interesting. One of our friends told Sora Bauco that he has a crush on me. I almost won a game of musical chairs. Someone made some bomb cake to share with everyone. Overall it was a good night.

We had Daylight Savings this week and we got to sleep in an extra hour.  I cried tears of joy when I found out so that was a highlight.

I have really started to grow to love the people here and have been really working on my charity. Jesus Christ is our perfect example, and I am constantly telling myself to have charity for the people here like Christ would have charity for them!
47)  "But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him". (Moroni 7:47) 

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some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...