Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 Hope everyone had a great week.

This week in Bucuresti was way good and we had lots lessons this week.

This week summarized: 
-Meet this girl named Gabi who is the coolest and just moved to Bucuresti for college
-Had a lesson in an H&M, suprisingly went pretty well
-All the new missionaries came to Bucuresti for a conference which was way fun. 
-Sora Gunn (a newbie like me) and I had a lesson just the 2 of us with this Guy named Costi at a coffee shop (our trainers thought it would be a good learning experience for us to do the lesson by ourselves) it actually went really well and now Costi is one of our most interested friends. Probably one of the first times since getting here, I've felt like I've used the Gift of Tongues. Letss go.
-Spent a whole day at the church making a video for our Facebook page... stay tuned it's gonna be way good.
-Ate a yum traditional romanian desert called papanaşi. It's like a doughnut with cream and jam and was very good
-Facebook finding is actually going very well here and we found like 4 new people this week who we are now teaching
-I brought a burrito to the church for my lunch on sunday and put it in the fridge at the church and one of the members just ate it!
-Teaching by the Spirit is REAL. The spirit is what's doing all the real work around here, I just try to get out some understandable phrases. 
-Oscar is committed to Baptism!  
-Today for p day we went to a mountain ski resort place and I am writing this email from a train back to Bucuresti. 

This week was really good and I have been feeling extra grateful this week. Grateful to be here on a mission, for my family, my friends, a healthy body, the atonement, eternal families, the list goes on... There is so much to be grateful for. Life is way to short to take things for granted and to not tell the people you love how you feel! Tell the people you care about how much they mean to you this week💛

Sora Tobler 

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see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...