Saturday, July 11, 2020

Week 4 - Home MTC


Just another week at the home MTC for the books. Nothing super exciting happened this week...

It was fun being able to spend 4th of July with my family another year. My sisters and I drove to Scottsdale and watched some pretty sick fireworks.

On Tuesday, I watched the weekly missionary devotional and it was REALLY good. It was pretty much everything I needed to hear. Elder Martino spoke a little about how our what we want to do won't always be what the lord has in store for us. I really needed to hear that this past week as I definitely had some different plans than what the lord had planned for me.

My companions and I taught our second TRC in Romanian and it went pretty well. I definitely was able to understand a lot more than I did our last lesson, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. 

I have been running every morning since I have started the MTC, and while I still don't particularly like running, I'm starting to not dislike it as much!! Also I think I've pretty much adjusted to the mission schedule and think I've gotten used to waking up at an unnaturally early hour and going to bed at practically sunset haha

Here is one of my favorite quotes from this week. "...Fear not. Be of good cheer. For the future is as bright as your faith." - Thomas S. Monson

Sora Tobler

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