Wednesday, April 7, 2021

the easter bunny came

happy Easter and conference weekend:)

Romania actually doesn't celebrate Easter until May, but it just means that I'll be able to celebrate it twice. 

We got transfer calls this week, and I am sad to say that I am leaving Sibiu this next transfer:(  I'm going to be opening up a brand new area for sisters and training a newbie! not gonna lie, I'm kind of stressed about it, but it should be an adventure. Luckily I still have 2 final weeks left in Sibiu, because the new missionaries need to quarantine for 2 weeks in Hungary before arriving in Romania. 

Our girls cosmin and alexandra are THRIVING. we had great lessons with both of them this week and they are both praying about baptism. I'm kind of sad that I won't be here for the baptisms, but it's all good. 

General Conference was SO GOOD. after talking to lots of people this week about conference and our prophet and hearing a bunch of different opinions, I am just so thankful for a living prophet and apostles that speak to us!!

Love you all:)
Sora Tobler


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see you soon!

some pictures from my last full week here in romania   1. My favorite ward sisters  2. Sora Taylor with an unappetizing plate of sarmalele (...